Census and analysis of design solutions of 3d replicating rapid prototyper (reprap)
Ahmed Rechia  1, *@  , Abdelilah El Mesbahi  1  , Driss El Messoaudi  1  , Hanae Zarkti  1  , Oussama Jaider  1  
1 : Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger  (FSTT)  -  Site web
Ancienne Route de l'Aéroport, Km 10, Ziaten. BP : 416. Tanger - Maroc -  Maroc
* : Auteur correspondant

Recently, a new manufacturing process known as rapid
prototyping has received a significant attention for the capability
of producing accurate parts directly from CAD models. For the
purpose, many techniques have been developed and can be
divided broadly into those involving the addition of material and
those involving its removal. Fused Deposition Modeling is the
most widely technique used in additive manufacturing (AM) due
to its low unit cost. This paper presents an implementation of a
methodology for census and classification of different technical
solutions used in a diversity of recent 3D printers including
mechanical links, guiding system components, motion
transmission equipment, fused deposition modeling system,
stepper motors, thermistors, sensors, Electronics Board, open
source firmware and software, fused deposition materials and

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