Consultation > Par auteur > Aramja Adil

Creating a baseline model of Manufacturing Execution Systems using Petri nets : Literature overview
Adil Aramja  2, 1@  , Oualid Kamach  2@  , Samir Chafik  3, *@  
2 : Laboratoire des technologies innovantes  (LTI)
3 : Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electricité et de Mécanique [Casablanca]  (ENSEM)  -  Site web
Route d'El Jadida. BP 8118 Oasis Casablanca -  Maroc
* : Auteur correspondant

the current economical context is pushing companies to do more with less, with better quality, to do it faster and most of all in a cost effective manner. Apart from creating economies of scales, ensuring operational efficiencies is also of a paramount importance. To do so, many companies strive to implement lean processes and best practices and amongst other alternatives, implementing IT software solutions such as Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Such tools can help manufacturing companies shorten the manufacturing cycle, improve the process performances and increase therefore the company competitiveness in a very challenging market landscape. Acquiring such tools would be most of the times very expensive especially for small and medium businesses that are very cautious about their CAPEX/OPEX spending. This is mainly because MES solutions are offered as a package of several modules and their integration with the existing systems and infrastructure imply additional cost and burden for this type of companies.

In this paper, we are presenting the literature view on modeling MES solution systems which will be as a guideline for our approach to assist small and medium industries with a baseline model of MES solutions. The intended model will be established by first of all setting a benchmark of the MES solutions in European market, second a survey will be distributed to different Industrial companies in Moroccan market in order to grasp their needs and finally making a reference model using modeling tools such as Petri nets.


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