Consultation > Par auteur > Semma Alami

Written press logistics : How clustering and sales forecasting can levitate an industry's distribution
Asmaa Sabiri  1@  , Fouad Riane  1@  , Alami Semma  2@  
1 : Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
2 : Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Settat  (FST S)

Written press has been, and still in Morocco, an important mean to communicate news and knowledge. Press releases still have their advantages and devoted fanatics. Nevertheless, a general decline may be noticed worldwide due to digital substitution and general reading decrease. Moroccan press undergo additional hard time as its management systems struggle to cope with a fast-paced industrial development and network modernization.

This paper is an inception study. It throws reflections and insights about Moroccan press distribution systems and suggests tailored solution accordingly. Based mainly on sales analysis, we will be discussing sale points clustering and sales forecast modeling. Hopefully, it will help understand this industry's complications and puzzle out distribution and marketing possibilities.

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